21. 10. 2024

#PartnerForDigitalization: third Best Practice
Company Tour to T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.
Safety, big data and sustainability – the main topics of our last Best Practice Company Tour at T-Mobile Czech Republic in Prague. The partners of the #PartnerForDigitalization platform received insightful look at security and data safety.
„Our mission is to bring digitalisation to the market in a safe way," says Luboš Lukasík, CCO of Enterprise and Member of the Board T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s., who is also going to be a speaker at the German Czech Economic Forum on the 12th of November in Gallery Hauch in Prague!
The partners of our #digitalisation platform could explore the crucial issues of security and big data, seeing how security has become more complex and more vulnerable to hackers as more data can be stolen. The key question is: how to balance security with innovative openness? Zdeněk Grmela, head of Protect and Security Cross Border Services at T-Mobile Czech Republic emphasized that digitalization needs to be secure, but on the other hand it must be usable.
Our partners also had the opportunity to tour one of the largest data centers in the Czech Republic, witnessing firsthand how small and sustainable changes can have a significant impact – for example learning how the warm air produced by servers is being repurposed in a sustainable way.
The #PartnerForDigitalization platform was established by DTIHK to promote the digitalization of business processes among its partners, members, public institutions and the media. All partners are convinced that inspiration and experience sharing are the best means to successful digital transformation.
Thanks to the Best Practice Company Tour, participants learn interesting behind-the-scenes information about companies and experience digitalisation first-hand. In the "Management Talk" they discuss the opportunities and challenges of digital approaches and solutions presented during the company visits.
Video & photo © Jan Rasch