21. 5. 2024

Our Latest Survey on Digital Transformation in Companies

Because digitalization plays a major role in the transformation of the economy, we implemented in our yearly economic survey a part dedicated especially to digitalization. We wanted to find out what the current status of digitalization in companies is, what topics, strategies and challenges they are dealing with.

In almost every second company that is currently running a transformation program (around 42%), this transformation is associated with additional digitalization (e.g. free text). This confirms the importance of digitalization for a successful transformation in order to strengthen competitiveness.

The two biggest challenges for successful digitalization lie in the area of Human Resources. According to over 60% of companies, the most difficult task is the further training of staff and managers. And almost half of all companies say that acceptance among employees and customers is a major challenge.

When asked about the skills that need to be further developed among their managers and employees, 62% of the companies put data skills at the top. Other skills include working with “artificial intelligence and machine learning” (55%) and “digital process understanding, digital mindset and willingness to change” (almost 46%).

» Results of the Economic Survey 2024 - part DIGITALIZATION