18. 7. 2024

More Companies in Germany Using Artificial Intelligence

The German economy is focusing more on artificial intelligence (AI). At present, 27% of companies use AI. In the previous year, the figure was 13.3%. For around one in five companies, AI is not currently an issue. 17.5% plan to use AI in the coming months. The trend is likely to pick up more speed,” says Klaus Wohlrabe, Head of Surveys at ifo InstituteCompanies expect the use of AI to increase their productivity by more than 10%.”

The number of companies using AI in their business processes has increased in almost all sectors, as reported by more than 33% in the automotive, electronics, pharmaceutical, and textile and clothing industries. Among service providers, advertising and market research (72%), and IT service providers (around 60%) stand out in particular. In the retail sector, 22% of companies currently use AI. The figure is only 11.6% for the construction industry.

The skeptics, who currently see no potential applications, can be found in particular in the construction sector (around 42%) and the hospitality sector (40%).

Source: ifo Institut, München, 18 July 2024